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Electrolysis, Epilation, Photoepilation

Waxing the bikini line: Getting it over with once and for all!


A well-waxed bikini line is in vogue, even to the point of full body hair removal! There’s just one hitch: you don’t know how to go about it. Shaving, waxing, photoepilation or electrolysis. It’s important to know how to get rid of your bikini line without getting irritated or ingrown hairs. To help you see things more clearly, here is a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the different hair removal methods. Continue Reading…

Electrolysis, Photoepilation

Hair removal before a trip: which method to choose?


Before leaving on a trip, you’ll have many things to think about: luggages, bathing suits, not to mention your passport… Don’t forget to keep some time for hair removal! There are many efficient methods to get rid of unwanted hair: wax, electrolysis, photoepilation, etc. The choice of the method that suits you best depends, amongst others, on your budget and time that you want to spend on each session.

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