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Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Epilation

Everything you need to know about electroepilation probes


In the field of electroepilation, the choice of probes plays a crucial role in the effectiveness and safety of treatments. In this blog, we will explore the different types of probes available on the market and their impact on the results of electrolysis sessions. From selecting the sizes to using insulated probes, discover the best practices to optimize your treatments and ensure client satisfaction.

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Microderma… What?


Microdermabrasion, that word that is so hard to pronounce and remember, but what is it exactly? A hair treatment, a surgical procedure, a peel? Many people have heard of microdermabrasion, but few know exactly what it is and what it is used for. Let us break it down for you! Continue Reading…


Paraffin treatment, what is it?


Paraffin treatments are available in many beauty salons, but most clients are not familiar with them. What is paraffin? It is a non-toxic waxy substance obtained from the distillation of crude oils that form a water and steam resistant complex mix. Back, hands and feet paraffin cares, in the aesthetic field, are very popular for their countless benefits.

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