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Aesthetics, Cosmetic Products

Face Cleansing: Beauty Ground Zero


When we are talking beauty, everything revolves around the face… or almost everything: better pamper it, then! And the cornerstone of any beauty regimen is a good deep cleanse, whether one uses make-up or not. But why is it that this step is so crucial, and how many times should it be repeated? And with what products should you take care of your pretty face? Answers to all your questions, right this way!

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10 Pro Tips for a Perfectly Epilated Face


Electroepilation of the face is a very popular practice. In fact, what better way than electrolysis to get permanently rid of unflattering hair on the upper lip, chin and eyebrows! Facial hair removal, however, requires precision and attention because of the great sensitivity of this area. So here are a few tips from professionals to make your job easier and ensure your customers get the best results.

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Does shaving make hair grow back faster?


Actually, hair doesn’t grow back, it just grows. Cutting or shaving the hair has no effect on its natural growth cycle. Depending on where it is on the body, hair grows about 1 cm per month. It goes through a growth phase, followed by a transitional phase and finally a resting phase before falling out of its follicle. Even though this process happens all over our body, we may not always be aware of it because we don’t really notice the hairs falling out unless we see them on our pillow or in the shower.

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