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Electrolysis, Photoepilation

Teens and Hair Removal: What You Need to Know


Teens and hair removal: an unavoidable topic. Indeed, smooth and hairless skin is still desirable today, which means that teenage girls are often eager to eliminate newly grown hairs, however fine and pale they may be. Friends compare each other out: one shaves, another goes to the beautician, yet another has electrolysis treatments. Many parents therefore ask themselves: when should teens be allowed to epilate, and which method is best for them?

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Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Photoepilation

Epilation 101 : Waxing, Photoepilation and Electropilation


There are myriad ways to get rid of superfluous hair. Some are more convenient, others less so, but provide lasting results. Some require an investment both in time and in money, whereas others are more affordable, yet require periodic upkeep! There is no such thing as a hair removal “silver bullet”, but that does not mean that certain solutions are not more promising than others!

This is why we would like to present in synthetic fashion the advantages and drawbacks tied to three of the most popular hair removal solutions: waxing, photoepilation and electropilation.

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Electrolysis, Photoepilation

Hair removal before a trip: which method to choose?


Before leaving on a trip, you’ll have many things to think about: luggages, bathing suits, not to mention your passport… Don’t forget to keep some time for hair removal! There are many efficient methods to get rid of unwanted hair: wax, electrolysis, photoepilation, etc. The choice of the method that suits you best depends, amongst others, on your budget and time that you want to spend on each session.

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Paraffin treatment, what is it?


Paraffin treatments are available in many beauty salons, but most clients are not familiar with them. What is paraffin? It is a non-toxic waxy substance obtained from the distillation of crude oils that form a water and steam resistant complex mix. Back, hands and feet paraffin cares, in the aesthetic field, are very popular for their countless benefits.

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Hair Removal for Teens: Which Method to Choose?


Hair removal for teens is a growing trend. Teenagers are generally first in line when it comes to removing unwanted hair. As fine and light-coloured as it may be, hair is simply not tolerated. Young girls compare with each other: one friend shaves, the other doesn’t, one sees an aesthetician for waxing while the other is undergoing electrolysis. One question remains in the minds of many parents: at what age should we allow teenagers to begin hair removal and which method is the best?

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