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Aesthetics, Cosmetic Products

Cold season, radiant skin: winter skincare essentials 


As we enter the harshest months of winter, it’s easy to forget the importance of continuing to protect our skin. And yet, this season brings significant challenges for the epidermis. Although the sun seems less present, UV rays persist, and can still cause skin damage. What’s more, temperature variations, dry air from indoor heating and cold winds all contribute to drying out our skin. It’s essential to understand that winter requires special attention to keep our skin healthy. This blog will explore the importance of protecting the skin barrier in winter, while addressing other winter challenges that impact the skin and how to better preserve it. 

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Aesthetics, Cosmetic Products

A glowing complexion despite the overindulgence of the holiday season!


Holiday festivities are often accompanied by joyous moments and lively celebrations, but they can also be marked by overconsumption of alcohol. This fleeting pleasure can leave its mark on our skin, affecting its natural glow. In this article, we’ll explore the damaging effects of alcohol on our skin, particularly during the festive season, and explain how to regain a glowing complexion despite the overindulgence.

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Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Epilation

Gentlemen, say goodbye to your unwanted hair!


Gentlemen, the following is directed to you. For hormonal reasons, men generally have much more developed body hair than women. Yet, they are far less likely to take advantage of electroepilation treatments. Paradox? Not really, as body hair is still perceived, at least in our Western societies, as a symbol of assumed masculinity. However, in recent years, male grooming is no longer a marginal practice. Whether it’s for aesthetic preference, sports performance, comfort, or other reasons, men are increasingly resorting to electroepilation.

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Aesthetics, Cosmetic Products

How to adapt your beauty routine according to the seasons!


Living in a climate with fluctuating temperatures brings its share of challenges, and our skin feels the effects all year round. The seasons are not only an opportunity to adapt your wardrobe, but also your skincare routine to meet the changing needs of your complexion. In this blog, we’ll explain the importance of adapting your skincare routine to the cooler weather of the coming seasons, while taking your skin’s specific needs into consideration.

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Aesthetics, Cosmetic Products, Skin care

Psst! Want your tan to last even after summer’s over? Don’t miss out on the following tips!


Summer is all about a golden complexion! We invest time and effort in getting that summer tan, because it’s undeniable that we feel more attractive with a summer glow. But what can you do to preserve that tan and prevent it from fading away quickly once the summer season is over? Here are a few tips to help you prolong your sun-kissed complexion even after summer’s over.

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Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Photoepilation, Uncategorized

Why is electrolysis the best method to eliminate facial hair?


The face is the area we spend the most time on, and that’s not surprising, since it’s our calling card and the most exposed part of our daily lives. This is why the appearance of dark or excessive hair in certain areas can be embarrassing, especially on the chin, between the eyebrows, upper lip, sideburns and even the cheeks. Faced with this situation, many people wonder if there is a permanent and effective solution. The answer is yes, and it’s called electroepilation! Continue Reading…

Aesthetics, Cosmetic Products



In the world of skincare, the term “serum” is part of the usual vocabulary. But if you’re just getting started, you may be wondering what a serum is and how to use it. There are hundreds of products marketed as serums… and it’s no wonder. Serums are filled with specific ingredients that are targeted to provide visible, long-lasting results. 

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Aesthetics, Cosmetic Products

Micellar water, cleansing milk, cleansing gel, which one to choose?


Removing makeup is usually somewhat of an inconvenience. Who hasn’t gone to bed without removing their makeup? Well, you should know that there is no worse decision, because the impurities on your face are in fact the residues of the deposited makeup, as well as other external agents. This is why it is important not to skip this step and to choose the right products to use. But between a micellar water, a cleansing milk or a cleansing gel, you don’t know where to start? Let’s take a look at the properties of each of these products to help you choose the one best suited for your skin type. Continue Reading…