Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Epilation

Gentlemen, say goodbye to your unwanted hair!


Gentlemen, the following is directed to you. For hormonal reasons, men generally have much more developed body hair than women. Yet, they are far less likely to take advantage of electroepilation treatments. Paradox? Not really, as body hair is still perceived, at least in our Western societies, as a symbol of assumed masculinity. However, in recent years, male grooming is no longer a marginal practice. Whether it’s for aesthetic preference, sports performance, comfort, or other reasons, men are increasingly resorting to electroepilation.

Temporary methods, appealing in the short term

At first glance, recommending temporary solutions, other than your usual shaving method, seems unwise. Waxing is best avoided. Apart from the discomfort experienced during this procedure, which depends on the density of the hair, you’ll have to endure the treatment continuously for a long time. What about depilatory lotions? Inexpensive, easily accessible and simple to use, they certainly have their appeal. However, it’s legitimate to question their effectiveness from the start, as they present considerable risks of skin reactions, especially if used regularly. What’s more, temporary methods can increase the risk of ingrown hairs, something that permanent methods can deal with for good.

Put an end to it once and for all!

Let’s face it, it’s better to opt for a permanent solution. Are you thinking photoepilation (laser and IPL)? It’s important to know that only electrolysis can allow you to get rid of your hair permanently; photoepilation, by comparison, only reduces hair growth by around 80%. That said, IPL and laser are two proven methods that are particularly suited to the treatment of large areas (back, torso, thighs) due to their rapid application, but are not suitable for light hair or dark skin. This is not the case with electrolysis, which has the advantage of being effective on all hair and skin colors. 

Imagine waking up and getting ready for work without worrying whether your facial hair is under control. Electroepilation can also be used to give your beard or sideburns the perfect line you desire. It’s the ideal method to safely and permanently removing beard and facial hair.

The benefits of Apilus xCell

That being said, the Apilus xCell electroepilation device features programs tailored to the coarser and thicker hair typically found in men. Thanks to technological advances, we are now able to customize treatments and control the intensity according to the client’s gender, as well as hair size and type, ensuring 100% permanent hair removal in complete comfort. In all cases, a skilled professional will be able to advise you on the most suitable technique for your needs.

So, gentlemen, there’s no longer any reason to put up with those pesky hairs. Whether it’s for your torso, back, neck, face or any other part of your body, electrolysis caters to all your needs.

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