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Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Epilation

Proper training in electroepilation: an essential investment in your career!


Electroepilation is the only fully permanent hair removal method that targets the hair root with an electric current to eliminate it safely, regardless of skin or hair color. Although this technique is highly effective, it requires expertise and thorough training to guarantee not only long-lasting results, but also the safety of the client. This is a complex procedure that demands impeccable technique from the electrologist. Furthermore, it is essential to choose the right methods and probes for each client. Proper training in electroepilation is therefore indispensable to ensure effective and safe treatments.
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Electrolysis, Epilation

The evolution of beauty standards and its impact on permanent hair removal


Beauty standards are in constant transformation, reflecting the cultural, social and individual changes of each era. In this context, hair removal, particularly permanent hair removal, has followed the fluctuations of aesthetic expectations and preferences. From the acceptance of natural body hair to the pursuit of smooth skin, these changes have greatly influenced the technologies and practices related to hair removal.

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Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Epilation, Photoepilation

How electroepilation has evolved over time


Right from its earliest stages to its most recent advances, electroepilation has transformed the world of permanent hair removal. What was once perceived as a complex and painful method has seen its effectiveness and comfort greatly improve thanks to technological innovations and extensive scientific research. Leading this evolution is Dectro International, a company led by Clément Beaumont, a driven pioneer who has combined cutting-edge technology and expertise to redefine industry standards. Through the story of Dectro and its flagship brand Apilus, we invite you to discover the story of a silent but decisive revolution in the world of aesthetics.

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Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Epilation

Permanent hair removal and self-confidence


For many people, the journey to self-confidence and self-esteem involves addressing various aspects of physical appearance, including the removal of unwanted hair. Whether it’s facial or body hair, these can indeed affect psychological and emotional well-being. While temporary solutions have long been the norm, the rise of permanent hair removal techniques has transformed how people perceive themselves and feel in their bodies. In this month’s blog, we will explore the emotional repercussions of permanent hair removal and its role in fostering greater self-confidence.

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Electrolysis, Epilation

The latest in permanent hair removal technologies


    Over the years, there has been a significant evolution in 100% permanent hair removal, driven by technological progress that is redefining industry standards. Among these innovations, the Apilus xCell stands out as a groundbreaking device that incorporates cutting-edge technology for remarkable results. If electrolysis is now an effective, fast, and extremely comfortable technique, it owes much of this success to Apilus’ unique 27.12 MHz radiofrequency. The Apilus xCell electroepilation device takes this technology to a higher level by combining artificial intelligence with increased power and unparalleled comfort. Let’s explore the key elements of this advancement, shedding light on what lies behind the efficiency of the Apilus xCell.

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Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Epilation

Gentlemen, say goodbye to your unwanted hair!


Gentlemen, the following is directed to you. For hormonal reasons, men generally have much more developed body hair than women. Yet, they are far less likely to take advantage of electroepilation treatments. Paradox? Not really, as body hair is still perceived, at least in our Western societies, as a symbol of assumed masculinity. However, in recent years, male grooming is no longer a marginal practice. Whether it’s for aesthetic preference, sports performance, comfort, or other reasons, men are increasingly resorting to electroepilation.

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Electrolysis, Epilation, Photoepilation

Electroepilation for dark skin: THE safe and effective solution!


When it comes to getting rid of unwanted hair permanently, electroepilation stands out as an effective and secure option that suits all skin types, including darker skin tones. Unlike photoepilation, which can present risks and offer less satisfying results for dark skin, electrolysis has the advantage of a targeted approach, regardless of skin color. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of electrolysis for darker skin and why it’s considered the safest method to bid farewell to hair for good. 

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Electrolysis, Epilation

Insulated probes; a “must” in electrolysis!


Although very effective, electrolysis was not really considered a comfortable treatment when it first began in 1875. However, this permanent hair removal technique has evolved so much over the years that it is now at the top of the list! Indeed, since the development of the 27 MHz ultrafast radiofrequency and new working techniques such as the PicoFlash, the MultiPlex, the Synchro and the EvoluBlend, electrolysis specialists are now able to maximize their results while offering an unequalled level of comfort to their clients. On top of that, the insulated probes make electrolysis even more efficient and comfortable. Such small things make all the difference! Here’s why… Continue Reading…

Electrolysis, Epilation, Photoepilation

Waxing the bikini line: Getting it over with once and for all!


A well-waxed bikini line is in vogue, even to the point of full body hair removal! There’s just one hitch: you don’t know how to go about it. Shaving, waxing, photoepilation or electrolysis. It’s important to know how to get rid of your bikini line without getting irritated or ingrown hairs. To help you see things more clearly, here is a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the different hair removal methods. Continue Reading…

Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Epilation, Photoepilation

6 Reasons to Offer Electroepilation in your Beauty Salon


Do you own a beauty clinic and do not offer electrolysis? You think it has gone out of fashion because of the growing popularity of photoepilation? Well, think again! Electrolysis is the only hair removal method that permanently removes all types of hair, regardless of color. What’s more, there are no drawbacks to electrolysis, unlike photoepilation, which has a few restrictions and is therefore not suitable for 100% of your clients. Here are 6 reasons to offer this service in your clinic. Continue Reading…