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Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Uncategorized

What Greek Mythology (!) Can Teach Us About Hair Removal


Hair Removal and Sisyphus’s Rock

Do you know the Greek myth of Sisyphus? After a life spent cheating the gods of Olympus, Sisyphus is sentenced to eternally haul a heavy rock up a mountain. Yet once he reaches the top, the rock always tumbles down the other side, forcing the hapless hero to start the journey all over again, and again, and again. Think Groundhog Day, minus the laughs.

And What Does Hair Removal Have to Do With This?

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Electrolysis, News

Electrolysis Online Course Now Available in German


An electroepilation course available online and in German? Natürlich!

A few months after the Spanish version, it is now the turn of the German version to be launched in order to meet the demand of German-speaking countries. The official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Lichtenstein, German is the mother tongue of more than 120 million people. These people will now have access to the most advanced electroepilation course, allowing them to become an expert in this field. Today, 15 partner schools offer one of the Academie Dectro electrolysis classes and more partnerships are planned for the coming year.

Click here to view the promotional page of the online course in German.

Designed for professionals in the field of aesthetics, this 200-hour course offers a curriculum adapted to the reality of the modern hair removal market: a theoretical portion to learn the important concepts as well as a practical portion to develop good work techniques.

Click here to register now!


Blend modalities by Apilus


Since 1989, the Apilus electrolysis device brand is synonymous with quality and innovation. In order to offer the most efficient and comfortable treatments on the market, Dectro International has developed many treatment modalities for its Apilus devices. Of these, 5 blend modalities are available to offer a maximum of options to electrologists.

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New training platform for Apilus xCell


In order to provide the best possible support and facilitate the training process for Apilus xCell device owners, a new web platform gathering useful information has been put in place. Everything is there to ensure the optimal use of the functions of the device and the application of the most efficient and comfortable electrolysis treatments.

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Electrolysis, Photoepilation

Scientific research at the service of beauty


Keen to demonstrate the scientific basis of its technological applications, Dectro International went, in 2013, to the LOEX Center of the Université Laval. Combining the expertise of the LOEX doctors with Dectro International’s technologies, two studies were conducted to prove the efficiency of the 27 MHz radiofrequency in electroepilation and the IPL in photoepilation.

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Electrologist, a profession of the future


Interested by an ever-evolving profession that allows you to combine your passion for beauty with your entrepreneurial spirit? With the significant growth of the hair removal market and the growing accessibility to quality training, the electrologist profession is being chosen by more and more people wanting to turn their passion into a successful career.

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5 tips to extend your probeholder’s lifespan


Electrologists’ essential work tool, a probeholder can be manipulated hundreds of times every day. A simple action that can seem harmless, when performed that often, can therefore increase in scale and significantly reduce the product’s lifespan. Here are 5 tips that will allow you to use your probeholder for longer!

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