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Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Epilation

Gentlemen, say goodbye to your unwanted hair!


Gentlemen, the following is directed to you. For hormonal reasons, men generally have much more developed body hair than women. Yet, they are far less likely to take advantage of electroepilation treatments. Paradox? Not really, as body hair is still perceived, at least in our Western societies, as a symbol of assumed masculinity. However, in recent years, male grooming is no longer a marginal practice. Whether it’s for aesthetic preference, sports performance, comfort, or other reasons, men are increasingly resorting to electroepilation.

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Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Photoepilation, Uncategorized

Why is electrolysis the best method to eliminate facial hair?


The face is the area we spend the most time on, and that’s not surprising, since it’s our calling card and the most exposed part of our daily lives. This is why the appearance of dark or excessive hair in certain areas can be embarrassing, especially on the chin, between the eyebrows, upper lip, sideburns and even the cheeks. Faced with this situation, many people wonder if there is a permanent and effective solution. The answer is yes, and it’s called electroepilation! Continue Reading…