There are many influence factors that can affect the hair cycle such as age, heredity, hormones, medication, nutrition and even stress. Nevertheless, we all share the same hair cycle, broken down into four phases: anagen, catagen, telogen and exogen.
Have you been in the electroepilation field for a while, but somehow this notion got blurry over time? Are you a new electrologist still learning the basics? Or a client that wants to better understand the treatment? Here is a simple explanation applied to the electroepilation field of what is a megahertz.
High frequency current is the electrologist’s main tool. It is therefore important to know and understand it to be able to perform efficient and comfortable electrolysis treatments. Thermolysis 101 for a quick update on your basic knowledge.
Before leaving on a trip, you’ll have many things to think about: luggages, bathing suits, not to mention your passport… Don’t forget to keep some time for hair removal! There are many efficient methods to get rid of unwanted hair: wax, electrolysis, photoepilation, etc. The choice of the method that suits you best depends, amongst others, on your budget and time that you want to spend on each session.
Electroepilation of the face is a very popular practice. In fact, what better way than electrolysis to get permanently rid of unflattering hair on the upper lip, chin and eyebrows! Facial hair removal, however, requires precision and attention because of the great sensitivity of this area. So here are a few tips from professionals to make your job easier and ensure your customers get the best results.
Any good electrolysis hair removal session has to be completed with post-depilation cares that provide the best healing and comfort after the treatment. One of your options is cataphoresis, also called positive ionization. It is a post-depilation care which uses continuous or galvanic current to restore the skin after hair removal.
Last year, Dectro organized the second edition of the popular Modern Electrolysis Symposium. Over 70 participants from all over the globe Continue Reading…
Hair removal for teens is a growing trend. Teenagers are generally first in line when it comes to removing unwanted hair. As fine and light-coloured as it may be, hair is simply not tolerated. Young girls compare with each other: one friend shaves, the other doesn’t, one sees an aesthetician for waxing while the other is undergoing electrolysis. One question remains in the minds of many parents: at what age should we allow teenagers to begin hair removal and which method is the best?
Académie Dectro breaks new ground with the very first online electrolysis course!
2016-04-01Interested by an ever-evolving profession that allows you to combine your passion for beauty with your entrepreneurial spirit? When observing the trend over the last few years, it appears clearly that more and more people wish to permanently get rid of their hair, creating at the same time incredible business opportunities for aesthetics and epilation professionals. Continue Reading…
We sometimes get questions about the safety of electrolysis and possible long-term side effects. Continue Reading…