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Electrolysis, Epilation, Photoepilation

6 Must-Have Post-Depilatory Products


Once the hair removal treatment is complete, after-care should be performed to avoid any adverse skin reaction. It is extremely important to apply good post-depilatory products on the treated area to soothe redness,  prevent infection and dark spots, as well as protect it against external aggressors. Here are 6 products you can’t do without after any type of hair removal!

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Once the hair removal treatment is complete, after-care should be performed to avoid any adverse skin reaction. It is extremely important to apply good post-depilatory products on the treated area to soothe redness,  prevent infection and dark spots, as well as protect it against external aggressors. Here are 6 products you can’t do without after any type of hair removal!

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Aesthetics, Cosmetic Products

Eliminate signs of fatigue


The holiday season is the occasion for some people to rest, whereas for others, it is a race against the clock with many family gatherings and parties with friends and colleagues. With all these programmed festivities, the lack of sleep and energy results in dark circles, greenish-white complexion, drawn features, visible pores and many other signs of fatigue. Home tips, make-up suggestions and product recommendation will rescue your face during this eventful period!

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