Teens and hair removal: an unavoidable topic. Indeed, smooth and hairless skin is still desirable today, which means that teenage girls are often eager to eliminate newly grown hairs, however fine and pale they may be. Friends compare each other out: one shaves, another goes to the beautician, yet another has electrolysis treatments. Many parents therefore ask themselves: when should teens be allowed to epilate, and which method is best for them?
So you have recently begun a permanent hair removal treatment and you wonder whether it is wise to carry on through the summer months? Never fear! Out of all the long-term hair removal solutions, electrolysis is far and away the one best suited for long sunny days. Indeed, summer and electrolysis get on very well… as long as certain basic rules are kept in mind.
So you have decided to go ahead and turn to electrolysis to get rid of unwanted hairs once and for all. Great! But before you go ahead with your definitive hair removal adventure, we bet you will appreciate the following 6 essential tips to help you get more out of this unique treatment. You are welcome!
Aloe vera is renowned for its many virtues – hydrating, anti-inflammatory, healing, and many more besides. Applied directly on burns, sunburns or scratches, the gel that we extract from its leaves provides a feeling of instant freshness. No wonder it has remained so popular up and down the centuries! Given that its general usefulness is beyond doubt, we would like to explore how this marvelous plant can help in specific beauty scenarios, such as in post-aesthetic or hair removal treatment as well as in anti-aging protocols.
Manufacturers have developed over the years electrolysis devices that use various radiofrequencies to generate the heat necessary for permanent hair removal. Over the last 10 years or so, the 27.12 MHz radiofrequency has established itself as the gold standard. But why exactly?
Electroepilation, microaesthetics, permanent makeup or even thermocoagulation all demand an extreme level of precision as well as uncompromising technique. As a professional in these very competitive fields, you deserve effective tools that allow you to do your best work, day in and day out. That is what we aimed for with the newest generation Opti-vizion system – to take your craft to the next level and provide even better results for your clients.
Epilation 101 : Waxing, Photoepilation and Electropilation
2020-10-21There are myriad ways to get rid of superfluous hair. Some are more convenient, others less so, but provide lasting results. Some require an investment both in time and in money, whereas others are more affordable, yet require periodic upkeep! There is no such thing as a hair removal “silver bullet”, but that does not mean that certain solutions are not more promising than others!
This is why we would like to present in synthetic fashion the advantages and drawbacks tied to three of the most popular hair removal solutions: waxing, photoepilation and electropilation.
Need a hand to open your salon? In lack of ideas to renew your enterprise? We help you fill your business tool box by answering your questions.
2020-05-15Asepsis. This word rings a bell to you? It is a preventive method to avoid the contamination of an area or surface by foreign micro-organisms. It gained in importance in the last few years in electrolysis and aesthetics salons to fight against bacteria, microbes and viruses of all kinds. The new reality where physical distancing and sanitary rules are part of daily precautions makes hygiene a priority during hair removal treatments.
Short hair, long hair, thin hair, rough hair… no more hair! You dream of becoming a professional in permanent hair removal but don’t know which school to choose for your course in electrolysis? In many countries such as Canada, you have two choices: private or public.