
Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Photoepilation

Epilation 101 : Waxing, Photoepilation and Electropilation


There are myriad ways to get rid of superfluous hair. Some are more convenient, others less so, but provide lasting results. Some require an investment both in time and in money, whereas others are more affordable, yet require periodic upkeep! There is no such thing as a hair removal “silver bullet”, but that does not mean that certain solutions are not more promising than others!

This is why we would like to present in synthetic fashion the advantages and drawbacks tied to three of the most popular hair removal solutions: waxing, photoepilation and electropilation.

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Aesthetics, Cosmetic Products

Adult Acne: Not Only a Bad Surprise


Once teenage years have come and gone, you would be forgiven for thinking that acne was also a thing of the past. But here it comes again, uninvited, right into adulthood: that is why we speak of adult acne. More than 25% of people with acne are older than 25! This serendipitous parallel does hide a significant discrepancy among the sexes, however.

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Electrolysis, Epilation, Photoepilation

Hair growth, explained


It’s a fact, we don’t know very much about our body hair. Probably in part because its growth occurs slowly, and that it falls without us noticing, except, that is, when we take a peek at our shower drain! Such ignorance makes for a certain amount of misconceptions about hair that we should dispel, if only to help us choose what type of epilation procedure is right for us. Let us first get rid of the notion that hair grows… and “re-grows”, once cut or shaven. Hair will only resume its natural growth, and will fall eventually, before being replaced by a brand new hair. But then, how does that happen, exactly?

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Electrolysis, Epilation

Apilus at 30: Pushing the Boundaries in Permanent Hair Removal


In September 1989, Dectro launched its first Apilus-branded product on the market, the Electropil. Since then, the name Apilus has become synonymous with innovation in the field of permanent hair removal. As we reach this 30-year milestone, we would like to invite you to accompany us, as we go through the highlights in the history of Apilus, the global reference in electroepilation.

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Aesthetics, Electrolysis

Académie Dectro: Your Gateway to Success


Whenever we embark on a career change, the instinct is to look for the very best training available. And a healthy instinct it surely is! As far as preparation for a career in beauty and hair removal is concerned, Académie Dectro stands as the natural choice: quality teaching, offered by passionate professionals, and supported by the strength of a well-respected manufacturer.

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IPL Rejuvenation Therapy: Let There Be Light!



There’s something properly magical about light; how it is tied to life itself, and the renewal of nature every Spring… Yet light is also a fantastic beauty tool that one would be remiss to pass by. We’re not talking about that wonderful looking tan you’re so proud of, but rather of intense pulsed light technology, or IPL.

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