Manufacturers have developed over the years electrolysis devices that use various radiofrequencies to generate the heat necessary for permanent hair removal. Over the last 10 years or so, the 27.12 MHz radiofrequency has established itself as the gold standard. But why exactly?
Electroepilation, microaesthetics, permanent makeup or even thermocoagulation all demand an extreme level of precision as well as uncompromising technique. As a professional in these very competitive fields, you deserve effective tools that allow you to do your best work, day in and day out. That is what we aimed for with the newest generation Opti-vizion system – to take your craft to the next level and provide even better results for your clients.
Short hair, long hair, thin hair, rough hair… no more hair! You dream of becoming a professional in permanent hair removal but don’t know which school to choose for your course in electrolysis? In many countries such as Canada, you have two choices: private or public.
2020-02-14This is a question that gets asked time and time again, but to which it is very hard to give a precise answer. Indeed, we do not claim to have the ability to determine in advance the duration of a complete electroepilation treatment for every client and every region; the evaluation is always approximate, because many factors directly influence treatment planification. Continue Reading…
It’s a fact, we don’t know very much about our body hair. Probably in part because its growth occurs slowly, and that it falls without us noticing, except, that is, when we take a peek at our shower drain! Such ignorance makes for a certain amount of misconceptions about hair that we should dispel, if only to help us choose what type of epilation procedure is right for us. Let us first get rid of the notion that hair grows… and “re-grows”, once cut or shaven. Hair will only resume its natural growth, and will fall eventually, before being replaced by a brand new hair. But then, how does that happen, exactly?
Mr. Clément Beaumont and Electroepilation: The Birth of a Vocation
2019-10-23In September 1989, Dectro launched its first Apilus-branded product on the market, the Electropil. Since then, the name Apilus has become synonymous with innovation in the field of permanent hair removal. As we reach this 30-year milestone, we would like to invite you to accompany us, as we go through the highlights in the history of Apilus, the global reference in electroepilation.
When the weather forecast has you eyeing that cute summer dress you bought on the clearance rack last year, what to do? To shave or to wax? Talk about a dilemma.