
IPL and LASER : What is the Difference?


For many years now, lasers and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) devices have been used for permanent hair reduction, rejuvenation and treatment of skin imperfections. However, many people confuse these two technologies. Although IPL and laser are both light-based, they have several distinct differences. Here is a comparison table that will help you better understand the particularities of each technology, and thus choose the one that suits you best!
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Electrolysis, Epilation

Insulated probes; a “must” in electrolysis!


Although very effective, electrolysis was not really considered a comfortable treatment when it first began in 1875. However, this permanent hair removal technique has evolved so much over the years that it is now at the top of the list! Indeed, since the development of the 27 MHz ultrafast radiofrequency and new working techniques such as the PicoFlash, the MultiPlex, the Synchro and the EvoluBlend, electrolysis specialists are now able to maximize their results while offering an unequalled level of comfort to their clients. On top of that, the insulated probes make electrolysis even more efficient and comfortable. Such small things make all the difference! Here’s why… Continue Reading…

Electrolysis, Epilation, Photoepilation

Waxing the bikini line: Getting it over with once and for all!


A well-waxed bikini line is in vogue, even to the point of full body hair removal! There’s just one hitch: you don’t know how to go about it. Shaving, waxing, photoepilation or electrolysis. It’s important to know how to get rid of your bikini line without getting irritated or ingrown hairs. To help you see things more clearly, here is a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the different hair removal methods. Continue Reading…

Aesthetics, Electrolysis, Epilation, Photoepilation

6 Reasons to Offer Electroepilation in your Beauty Salon


Do you own a beauty clinic and do not offer electrolysis? You think it has gone out of fashion because of the growing popularity of photoepilation? Well, think again! Electrolysis is the only hair removal method that permanently removes all types of hair, regardless of color. What’s more, there are no drawbacks to electrolysis, unlike photoepilation, which has a few restrictions and is therefore not suitable for 100% of your clients. Here are 6 reasons to offer this service in your clinic. Continue Reading…

Electrolysis, Epilation, Photoepilation

6 Must-Have Post-Depilatory Products


Once the hair removal treatment is complete, after-care should be performed to avoid any adverse skin reaction. It is extremely important to apply good post-depilatory products on the treated area to soothe redness,  prevent infection and dark spots, as well as protect it against external aggressors. Here are 6 products you can’t do without after any type of hair removal!

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Once the hair removal treatment is complete, after-care should be performed to avoid any adverse skin reaction. It is extremely important to apply good post-depilatory products on the treated area to soothe redness,  prevent infection and dark spots, as well as protect it against external aggressors. Here are 6 products you can’t do without after any type of hair removal!

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Choosing the right probe


Although they are very small instruments, probes are an integral part of an electroepilation treatment and can have a considerable impact on the latter. However, it can be hard to find your way around all the available options and use the right probe with every client. We are here covering this subject to help you choose the right probe for every treatment, in order to maximize results and client satisfaction.

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Aesthetics, Cosmetic Products

Face Cleansing: Beauty Ground Zero


When we are talking beauty, everything revolves around the face… or almost everything: better pamper it, then! And the cornerstone of any beauty regimen is a good deep cleanse, whether one uses make-up or not. But why is it that this step is so crucial, and how many times should it be repeated? And with what products should you take care of your pretty face? Answers to all your questions, right this way!

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